Sunday, October 7, 2012

Farmers Market Tomatoes

On Tuesday I got home a little early from work and walked through the Borough Hall farmers market. I wasn't really planning on buying anything, but then I saw a huge basket of tomatoes with a sign saying that the entire basket was $12. Tomatoes typically go for about $2-2.50/lb so I knew I would be getting a good deal if I bought them. I didn't really realize how good of a deal I got until the woman running the stand dumped the tomatoes into cardboard box and I realized that the basket contained 25 lbs of tomatoes. Being me of course, I was so excited to get this amazing deal that I wasn't really thinking about the fact that, one, I was wearing a suit, two, I going to have to carry home a huge (and surprisingly heavy) box full of tomatoes about 8/10s of a mile back to my apartment and three, what I was actually going to do with all of these tomatoes.  Alex laughed when he saw them and said that a good deal could get me to buy anything - and well, he might just be right.

So what did I do with 25 lbs of tomatoes?  Most of them I deseeded, cooked, and froze in mason jars (about 8 quart mason jars worth of tomatoes are currently in my freezer).  I also made a huge pot of chili (just onions, ground beef, tomatoes, garlic and spices). I also ate a lot of tomatoes - on salad, with avocado and sauerkraut, with cooked with chicken and mushrooms.  I am proud to report I only had to toss about three tomatoes - which I think is pretty successful.  I am predicting a lot of tomato recipes in my future since I currently have no room in my freezer to freeze anything else!

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