Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Happy Green! (Two Ways)

Long time, no blog! Hope you are well and enjoying a bliss-filled spring! In celebration of the greening time here is a recipe that my children and I enjoy daily. Perhaps you will too.

I'm using washed and organic items and cut them up, so I can blend in the Vitamix.

1 granny smith apple (remove the seeds)
1 cucumber
1 lemon, most of the skin removed but some white and yellow still there
a few dandelion leaves or more if you can stand it
a good handful of parsley
add olive oil and water


I put some of this mix through an Amazing Nut Milk bag and make juice for L.
The fat is good in the juice to slow the blood sugar and increase absorption of the yummy minerals and vitamins. Coconut milk added to the juice is also very nice. I hear the French add cream to their juice - oooh, la, la!

I take the rest of the mix still in the blender and add:
1 ripe avocado
2-5 tbsp coconut oil

Blend and it's a nice smoothie for me and me and N. L likes her avocado on the side with a sprinkle of salt.

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