Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Coconut Yogurt!

We have been feasting on coconut yogurt this past week. Yogurt is one of the reasons I bought a dehydrator and it has taken me this long to actually make it. It's easy, tasty and probiotic, and this yogurt has gelatin in it, so that's quite GAPS friendly.

I referenced two recipes to make our yogurt: this and this

I more closely follow the Gutsy recipe. However, I am not using the meat of a fresh coconut, nor flavoring with vanilla. I also used a raw, live, vegan coconut yogurt I found at our co-op as a starter. It had coconut milk, lemon juice, agave and Body Ecology starter in it. Agave is not GAPS legal, but read the list on So Delicious and you find lots of things that aren't GAPS legal, so I went with the one raw, live, vegan one.

Unlike both recipes, I aerobically ferment the yogurt in my Pickl-it Jars in the dehydrator set to 105F for 24 hours. THe longer ferment is supposed to give you the greatest ammount of probiotic benefit. I put a bit of extra honey in to feed the bacteria and I do heat the honey so it is not raw - I am not sure if raw honey would cause problems with the ferment since it would contain enzymes and anti-microbial properties.

N and L are really enjoying the feasting and it is lovely to have them enjoying a GAPS- friendly ferment. We have topped the yogurt with pomegranate seeds (they are ripe and in season here) and it is good!

Hope this encourages you to try making your own yogurt too!

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