Saturday, February 2, 2013

Chocolate Banana Pancakes (Grain Free)

I hate to brag, but I may have mastered the art of grain free, sugar free pancakes. I know. That is saying a lot.  Oddly enough, chocolate (in the form of cocoa or cacao powder) is allowed on the GAPS diet although it is not allowed on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) which is very similar to GAPS.  Cocoa/cacao is suppose to be for those individuals in 'advanced' GAPS.  Whether or not I fall into that category is debatable, however, I am not willing to live without chocolate in some form! 

See information below from Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride on the GAPS diet FAQ page.

"Cocoa is SCD illegal. However, I find that many people can start having it occasionally on the Full GAPS Diet, once the digestive symptoms are gone. Find pure organic cocoa powder. Mixing the powder with some honey and sour cream makes a delicious dessert, and you can add it to your homemade ice cream or cakes. After trying it for the first time, observe your patient for any reactions. Cocoa is very rich in magnesium and some essential amino acids and, unless your digestive system is not ready for it, there is no need to avoid it."

Enough said.

Chocolate Banana Pancakes (Grain Free)

1 medium banana (approximately 230 grams)
2 pastured eggs
1/4 c. raw organic cacao powder
1/8 c. almond flour
1/4 teaspoon organic vanilla extract
1/16th teaspoon baking powder
pinch of sea salt

Blend all ingredients in a blender/food processor until smooth.  Heat a little coconut oil/butter/ghee in a saute pan over medium-low heat.  Cook batter until edges firm and bubbles appear. Makes approximately 4 fluffy pancakes.

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