Friday, July 27, 2012

GAPS Intro Diet - 2 Month Update (Stages 5, 6)

I know... it has been a while since I have provided an update on how everything is going with the GAPS diet. It has been a long while. In the interim I have travelled to Richmond to visit my grandparents and gone on a mini-vacation to Rhode Island. Had no issues with the travelling, I just brought food with me in a cooler so I knew I would have food to eat.

Overall, everything is going really well. I have introduced raw vegetables, starting with lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes. All were tolerated well. I also started introducing some fruits back into my diet. The book recommends trying cooked apples first, but since I have serious issues with apples I tried some cooked strawberries instead. No problem. The next day I tried some raw strawberries and got some sugar induced asthma, which was strange because I have never had difficulty breathing before from fruit - it is really only ever from eating sugar or eating foods that have preservatives in them or drinking wine (sulfites). I thought that maybe the fruit induced asthma was a fluke so I had a quarter of a banana the next day and same thing happened. Yikes. So I waited two days and tried a little again and had no issue.   I tried a small plum a few days later - somewhat of a 'trouble' fruit for me. No problems! So that was exciting. I tried some mango this past weekend (another trouble fruit) with no issue. Yesterday though, I tried raspberries and had the asthma again, but not that badly. So it is interesting that I am having a response to some fruits and not others and not all the time - especially issues with fruits (strawberries, bananas, raspberries) that I use to eat before the diet with no issue. I am planning to try the dreaded apple at some point - a very small piece that is - to see what happens. 
One of the things I haven't been doing on this diet is juicing because I don't have a juicer - though this will soon change because the VitaMix is back in stock and I purchased it the other night! What I decided to do while I wait for it to arrive was go to a little juice place around the corner and buy some fresh pressed carrot juice. I had 4 teaspoons and tried to get Alex to drink the rest... he politely declined. I ended up throwing up about 2 hours later. I might have eaten something bad (some tomato paste that I put in my soup smelled funky.  I smelled it after I put it in my soup and ate it of course!). I will try the juicing again at some point once I get the VitaMix.

Over the past month I have increased my probiotic slowly from 1 pill per day to 4 pills (2 in the morning, 2 in the evening). I haven't noticed any symptoms of die off when I did the increases. I am still taking Fermented Cod Liver Oil in pill form. I just purchased a new bottle of just the liquid stuff - it is cheaper - so I'll be sure to report back on what it tastes like... um probably like rotten fish guts!

I have to admit - I have fallen off the wagon with the detox baths. I use to take one almost every day, but have only been doing about 2 per week. Not good, I need to get back on that, especially since I am not drinking juice yet to help me detox.

My taste buds have definitely changed quite a bit since starting this diet - things I didn't use to like that much (cucumbers, broccoli, swiss chard) I have come to like. While we were in Rhode Island we went clamming and got lobsters - two types of seafood I didn't really care for before are now delicious. Also, my teeth are noticeably whiter - probably from not drinking coffee since March. My skin is not so great at the moment, but hopefully that is just a sign of things still getting worked out internally.

I am planning to order some water kefir grains online this weekend so I can start making probiotic beverages myself!


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