Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Where Are We? Stage 4/5/6?

These past weeks have been busy with C leaving on two back-to-back trips and a 10-day visit from my parents! I've been tired so have actually been sleeping and not sitting up late at the computer.

We are still on Intro and slowly introducing raw vegetables, cooked fruit, raw fruit and fruit juice. We've tried cucumber, lettuce, tomato, cooked apple, cooked date (in a cake), raw date, raw plum and our morning carrot juice has at times also included beet, mint, parsley, apple and kale. We also tried rabbit liver.

We introduced probiotics and I will write a separate post about that, but in short we've found the right dose - very, very small!

We do fairly well with eating/drinking the ferments and egg yolk consumption is high around here, as is the ghee!

The days my parents were here the girls didn't like the soups I made - so I ate them - but that means they got very little in the way of broth. We also didn't take baths every night and I took fewer then the girls.

As far as reactions go:

N wasn't ready for lettuce. She also has some eczema developing on the backs of her upper thighs. This was a spot that she had it before we moved - when she was eating bread and lots of butter once a week. When that stopped the eczema cleared, but now it is coming back. Hmmm. It is not bothering her.

L didn't want to eat cooked apple and we saw a response to the apple juice (I think) - she started peeing all over the place and also got a face rash - red dots near the left side of her mouth. Incidentally she doesn't like ghee and will pick it off her food. She likes olive oil and coconut oil. It's funny because N LOVES ghee, but we ate butter when she was younger and this is L's first time trying it. L is the one who is asking for fruit and the one who doesn't seem to handle it well. Her digestion seems fine, but her face shows a rash and her behavior - which is including biting, hitting and the aforementioned floor-peeing - shows it too.

As for me, I was getting headaches after beef broth, but have been tolerating the new foods well. Probably all that soup! I do notice that too much garlic hurts my stomach - even cooked - and that is new for me.

For all of us pumpkin seeds seem a little tough on our bodies, so we'll go easy with them

Mentally, we all seem to be handling the diet pretty well. N says we don't even need to introduce honey, she loves the foods we're eating and feels like the diet is so easy now that we have included so many foods - like winter squash! I'm tired a lot and have too much going on mentally that I need to clear up, and I'm sure a good acupuncture treatment would help.

I almost feel like we aren't even doing intro right now because the soup consumption has been so low - but the fats and ferments are still in the works - so we'll just get the soup pot back in the groove!

In the coming week we'll keep adding raw vegetables and probably back off on the fruit. I am also looking for ways to sneak in broth - I am adding it to our egg yolk pancakes and we'll use it in the seed/squash "bread" in place of egg whites - so hopefully that will help when the girls are avoiding the soup.

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