Thursday, May 31, 2012

GAPS Intro Diet - Day 7

Is it really day 7?? This week has gone by quickly thanks to the 4 day work week. It was definitely smart to ease into this diet through the long weekend and luckily I will have a bunch of three day weekends when my company starts up our Summer Friday program next week which will give me the time to do the cooking/planning and still have a life. I am going to keep this post short and sweet mainly because, you guessed it, I am exhausted. I am wondering when the fatigue is going to stop. I am tired of being tired.  Hopefully this fatigue is my body's sign of die off - I am considering myself to be pretty lucky that I haven't had the flu like symptoms, increased digestion problems, nausea, etc. that other people say they have experienced when starting intro.  Again, I am not taking my probiotic, just the sauerkraut juice so maybe it will get worse when I increase, we shall see.

Breakfast: Zucchini Soup with Hamburger
(same soup as yesterday with hamburger I cooked in broth with onions and had frozen over the weekend)

Snack: Tulsi Lemon Ginger Tea

Dinner: Broccoli Soup with Hamburger, left over broiled broccoli, 2 tablespoons of sauerkraut
(this was suppose to be my lunch, but I ate breakfast so late I wasn't hungry - same soup as yesterday + the hamburger listed above).

Meal Consensus:
I think I have the whole soup routine down and since I don't like eating the same thing two meals in a row, I try to make two soups with different flavors and then mix the leftovers together to make something new - so breakfast tomorrow is leftover zucchini soup mixed with leftover broccoli soup. Ultimately it is all just vegetables so stuff tastes fine mixed together (even though it sounds kind of gross).

Again, I am tired. Ready for bed. Like 2 hours ago ready for bed.

I think I am going to move to Stage 2 tomorrow - which means I get to introduce egg yolks into the soup - ha how exciting :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

GAPS Intro Diet - Day 6

I woke up earlier than usual today and was thinking about an article I had read in Whole Living magazine the other night - yes that is what I think about at 6:20 in the morning. The article was about endocrine disruptors and provided a list of the chemicals found in plastics, pesticides, and household cleaners that can interfere with hormones.  I always want to read these articles and try to come out thinking that I am better informed to make smarter decisions with my dollars. But it is just so overwhelming and frustrating when you realize that the majority of things in your house are harmful in some way. The sad thing is, I am sure there are so, so many people who don't know it, or can't/won't avoid those products because of the cost.  The other thing I don't understand is why there aren't better regulations on our food and the products we use.  Doing the GAPS diet has definitely made me reevaluate even more the products I buy and bring into the apartment.  Granted I have known about BPA in can linings and avoid purchasing cans unless they are BPA free, I have known about Environmental Working Groups list of foods containing the highest amounts of pesticides, but I hadn't made the commitment to switch over my cleaning products (despite the chemicals giving me asthma!) or be more conscious about my body wash and shampoo. It is tough to make sense of all the data that is out there and all of the data that is not out there, but hopefully the changes will help me make an impact in my health in addition to the diet itself.
Here was the menu for today -

Breakfast: Broccoli Soup with Ground Beef
(broccoli, onions, garlic, chicken stock, ground beef, onion/leek gravy (this stuff made my soup taste so much better - must make more)
Snack: Tulsi Lemon Ginger Tea

Lunch: Zucchini Soup with Chicken
(same recipe as yesterday)

Dinner: Beef Meatballs with Soup Melange (aka, a combination of leftover broccoli and leftover zucchini soup + grassfed beef meatballs, some tomato paste and extra chicken stock) and boiled broccoli on the side with coconut oil and salt.
Snack: 3 teaspoons of sauerkraut juice and 2 teaspoons (or maybe a little more :) of sauerkraut. I found this delicious sauerkraut at Wholefoods from Hawthorne Farm - I bought the jalapeno variety and it is so good. It actually doesn't even taste at all like sauerkraut - maybe it is because it is raw and lacto-fermented? Hopefully my raw, lacto-fermented sauerkraut will taste like that in a month and a half.

Detox bath with baking soda

Meal Consensus:
Food was good today, though I might be getting just a little sick of soup..... which I guess makes sense.  Dinner was really good actually even though it could have been a disaster and it was nice to have the broccoli on the side rather than pureed in a soup. It was a good idea to bulk prepare soup and just pull in out to defrost for the meals the next day. I have 4 quarts left in the freezer so I am guessing I will need to make some more this weekend to have enough to get me through next week.

Again, story of the week - I am really tired.  Even writing this post I am mistyping words because it is 10 pm and I was ready for bed at 8! My skin is breaking out in the typical forehead and chest spots that it has been doing since I started having food problems. Hopefully this means the toxins are getting out of me.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

GAPS Intro Diet - Day 5

I was back to work today after the holiday weekend and had committed to playing in a softball game tonight... which I honestly wasn't sure how that was going to go considering my fatigue.  Woke up earlier than usual to heat thermoses and brought breakfast, lunch, and dinner with me since the game didn't start until 7 pm and as I learned, it is not good to be without food on this diet!

 On my walk down the subway steps both of my calves cramped, which wasn't fun, but that turned out to be the most challenging part of the day.  As I mentioned yesterday, at this stage on GAPS I am pretty happy when I am sitting down and nothing is better for that then work where you are planted at a desk for 8+ hours a day. I did take a walk out to Trinity Church to get some fresh air for lunch - don't worry.

Breakfast: Zucchini and Yellow Squash Soup with Chicken
(zucchini, yellow squash, 2 onions, garlic, 1 red pepper (am I cheating here? I don't know), chicken stock, salt/pepper, organic dill, chunks of precooked chicken, chicken 'pate')

Snack: Lemon Ginger Tulsi Tea

Lunch: Zucchini and Yellow Squash Soup with Chicken
(same as breakfast except I added some fennel and onion 'gravy' from the other night to change the flavor - it was tastier than breakfast)

Dinner: Zucchini and Yellow Squash Soup with Chicken
(same as above except no pate because I only had two thermoses so ate this cold and I didn't think I could stomach it mixed into the soup without the soup being warm)

Snack:  5 teaspoons sauerkraut juice, sandwich steak boiled in stock with salt

Other: Detox bath with Epsom Salt

Meal Consensus: Food today was fine - maybe a little monotonous, but again I wasn't really too hungry.

Feelings/Reactions: Again other than having no stamina I didn't seem to have any other reactions today other than being more thirsty than normal. Softball went well too so that was good. Tomorrow I get to add in 1 teaspoon of sauerkraut - how exciting ;)

Monday, May 28, 2012

GAPS Intro Diet - Day 4

Another day of feeling physically weak - i.e. it is challenging to carry clothes from the dryer to the bed (um only about 30 feet) and to walk up stairs... or walk in general. I am pretty happy sitting or lying down. Had a lovely time in the Cobble Hill Park this afternoon, lying on the grass and rereading the GAPS Intro Book - reminded me I should be adding my chicken 'pâté ' into my soups and was a good refresher on slowly introducing new foods. I am excited to try carrots first. I was able to find raw, lacto-fermented carrots in the health food store and will start with them since the sugar should have been reduced during the lacto-fermentation process.

I also purchased a food dehydrator today - super excited about using it. I am already dreaming of the fun things I will make: GAPS yogurt (hopefully I can find a source of organic goats milk that doesn't require driving 2 hours upstate), 'sun' dried tomatoes, crispy nuts, dried wild blueberries, raisins, energy bars to take to work for snacks (after Intro is complete of course), crackers, veggie chips.... exciting stuff.

I still haven't pulled the trigger on the Vitamix, but I am getting close. I thought about using a 20% off coupon from Bed, Bath, and Beyond to save some money, but their Vitamixs are older models and still have BPA in the container. I don't need to be buying anything with BPA in it - especially if I am going to use it for hot soups. Maybe one of the refurbished machines on the website doesn't have BPA. Might need to call and see since they don't specify.

Here was the menu for today:

Breakfast: Zucchini Soup with Onion/Fennel 'Gravy' and Chicken
(zucchini, yellow squash, onion, chicken stock, chicken chunks, salt and pepper, organic dried dill with a few spoonfuls of the onion/Fennel puree that I made yesterday in the crock pot)

Snack: Lemon Ginger Tulsi Tea

Lunch:Zuchini Soup with Onion/Fennel 'Gravy' and Hamburger
(same soup as this morning, with fresh garlic, organic dried dill - oh, and 'pâté '

Snack: 3 teaspoons of sauerkraut juice

Dinner: Hamburger Soup
(Chicken stock with onions, yellow squash, hamburger, fresh garlic, 'pâté ')

Other: Detox bath with baking soda.

Meal Consensus: I am finding all of the GAPS food to be pretty satisfying and good - especially with the addition of some spices other than salt/pepper. Despite the lack of options, I am not craving sweets or thinking about food all that much - must be all that fat I am eating.

Feelings/Reactions: Other than feeling weak/tired today, I felt fine. I was a little cranky, though that might just have been me and not a GAPS reaction. It will be interesting to see what happens when I introduce the FCLO and maybe eventually probiotics.

Chicken Feet Stock and Ghee

This weekend we spent quite a bit of time preparing for Stage 1 of GAPS Intro. We moved a lot of food from the fridge to the freezer. We made chicken feet stock and homemade ghee. You know your husband is your true love when he helps you with the chicken feet. 

We peeled lots of garlic and put that in the freezer. There are three pounds of beef bones and three pounds of ground beef in there too (I'm hopeful beef will be tolerated by L). Nineteen jars (formerly holding Bubbies kraut/pickles) of broth/stock We also made two giant batches of soup - one broccoli with turkey meatballs and one cauliflower zucchini. Both with chicken meat stock as the base. Today we made another batch of meat broth, stashed two packets of chicken meat in the freezer and a bag of "chicken pate." 

The ghee, by the way, made the kitchen smell like a movie theater and N was swooning in front of the oven. I told her she could eat the "Gheelicious" as a treat in week 2 after she has had enough broth. We (including me and L - dairy sensitivities) are all going to try it. We got butter from the farmer's market - pastured jersey cows from CA at $6 per 8 oz. - it was so yellow it looked like a nice cheddar. I tried to sing healing mantras (along with YouTube) while the ghee was going but C changed the music to Grateful Dead - hmmmm.

These links were helpful:
Chicken Feet:

I have lots of jars of Bubbies pickles and kraut at the back of the fridge waiting for us and we have cleaned out fridge, freezer and pantry of non-GAPS foods. Been eating a lot of berry/coconut milk icecream this weekend too!

I haven't been able to start fermenting yet as I don't want to leave unattended first ferments while we are gone for a week, so the Bubbies will have to do. I'm super excited to start with the Pickl-It Jars. I plan to ferment foods for the rest of my life!

I really like these resources for fermenting so far: - great series on fermenting!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

GAPS Intro Diet - Day 3

Not much to report today other than the fact that I felt tired and sluggish today.
Here is what I ate today:

Cauliflower soup with ground hamburger and onions
(cauliflower, onions, stock, hamburger, onion, chicken stock, salt and pepper, organic dried dill)

Lemon Ginger Tulsi Tea

Cauliflower soup with boiled sandwich steak
(with fresh garlic, organic dried dill)

Organic Mint Melange Tea (Trader Joe's brand)

Chicken with Fennel and Onions
(crock pot cooked with broth, garlic, fennel and onions pureed with chicken juices into 'gravy')

Other: Detox bath with baking soda.  Introduced 3 teaspoons of  sauerkraut juice.

Meal Consensus: All of the meal were fine today. I am trying to think of some variety, but am having difficulty figuring out what is allowed on GAPS Stage 1 other than zucchini, yellow squash, onions, broccoli and cauliflower.  Butternut squash and carrots are also allowed, but those are things I am avoiding since they have caused me problems in the past.  I am guessing fennel is not on stage 1, but I cooked it well and it is a vegetable so hopefully that is ok...I did find a list on the GAPS Yahoo! group that lists the foods and what stage you can begin eating them, but found that the different tabs of the spreadsheets contradict themselves on certain vegetables - peppers, peas (probably too starchy for stage one)... so not helpful.

Feelings/Reactions: Pretty thirsty again today and not that hungry, but would get the feeling that I needed to eat - I would feel kind of shaky.  I had acupuncture today, which was suppose to help support the detox. I also felt pretty tired So I guess we will see what Day 4 brings.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

GAPS Intro Diet - Day 2

I woke up this morning with absolutely no desire to eat soup again for breakfast so decided to switch it up and make some ground hamburger with onions and stock for breakfast. We had plans to go to the Bronx Zoo with some friends and I had leftover soup and some chicken I had cooked last night to take along.  Breakfast started out pretty promising.  I was excited to eat some solid food and to try the farmers market grass fed and finished beef.  It smelled good.  It looked a little fatty (I think it was 85/15 beef).  It tasted like.... well to me it tasted like animal flesh, which given that is what it is makes sense, but I wasn't sure I could eat any more than one bite if it tasted like that.  You see I am not a big meat eater.  I don't crave red meat, never buy it, and don't order it out at restaurants. I don't even really like the way chicken tastes plain.  I like my meats/poultry well seasoned, and I am not talking about just salt and pepper.  So on Day 2 I decided to 'cheat' just a little and add in some organic ground sage to my hamburger breakfast.  What do you know, the meaty, almost 'gamey' taste was masked and breakfast became pretty good.  So going forward, if needed, I will be seasoning my foods with organic spices so that they are more palatable.

Here is what I ate today:

Ground Hamburger with Onions
(hamburger, onion, chicken stock, salt and pepper, organic dried sage)

1 mug of chicken stock

Broccoli Soup/Zucchini Soup with chunks of chicken
(yesterday's soups mixed together with chicken and organic dried dill)

Broccoli Soup/Zucchini Soup with chunks of chicken
(yesterday's soups mixed together with chicken and organic dried dill, 1 clove fresh garlic)

Other: Detox 'shower' with Epsom salt - did not have the time/energy to wait for the bath to fill...

Meal Consensus: Breakfast was good after the addition of the sage. Lunch and dinner were satisfying and tasted better with the dill. Was not very hungry today.

Feelings/Reactions: We went to the zoo today, which was maybe a little overzealous on my part because it ended up being too much physical activity for me - which is funny because I am in pretty good shape and we were just walking - granted it was hot.  I tried to stay hydrated - drank about 35 oz of water while we were there and a lot prior.  It was so hot that I didn't really feel hungry, but I got a massive headache around 2:30 that felt like a caffeine detox headache.  It was pretty painful, but obviously not a caffeine detox headache since I haven't had large amounts of caffeine for weeks.  I tried to eat some of my soup around 3:30 to see if that would help and did it, but it only temporarily.  My soup was super hot, not great when it feels like 90 degrees outside. Obviously I was not thinking when I heated it up this morning.  Needless to say after we left around 5:30, I started feeling a little nauseous in the car in addition to the headache.  Really? Day 2 and I am feeling like this?Not sure if the headache is GAPS related or heat related or a little of both.  When we got home I was exhausted, no energy whatsover, as if I had done an extreme amount of exercise.  I showered and ate dinner then got in bed and napped for about an hour. I used some peppermint oil on my head for the headache and that helped - must get more estential oils!

Tip(s) of the day: Pack more food than you think you need incase there is a change in plans (everyone wanted to go out to get bbq after the zoo and I didnt have food, a 2 hour wait at the resturant prevented this from being a potential crisis for me). Take it easy when starting GAPS - today might be an indication that playing tennis tomorrow might not be a good idea...

Friday, May 25, 2012

GAPS Intro Diet - Day 1

Today was the start of what will hopefully be a solution to the last three years of digestive issues.  When I first read about the GAPS diet a few months ago I knew it was something I needed to do. It has taken a lot of preparation and although the anticipation of the commitment and the challenges it will bring has been stressful, I think in the end it will all be worthwhile. Luckily for me I have very supportive friends, co-workers, and family on this journey to better health.

Here is what I ate today -

Zucchini and Yellow Squash Soup
(zucchini, yellow squash, onion, garlic, chicken stock, salt and pepper)

Mint Tea (if you can call this a snack)

Broccoli Soup with Chicken Meatballs
(broccoli, onion, garlic, stock, chicken meatballs made with salt, pepper, onion)

Zucchini and Yellow Squash Soup + Broccoli Soup with Chicken Meatballs
Tulsi Lemon Ginger Tea

Other: Detox bath with Epsom salt - got my shower filter installed thank goodness. It took a strong husband, WD-40, and a trip to the hardware store for a wrench and Lime-Away to get the thing off. I find it ironic that I recently purged my house of all household chemicals and cleaners and had to go out and buy a chemical to get the old shower head off.

Meal Consensus: Breakfast was tasty - the soup is slightly sweet, so is nice for morning. Lunch... not so much, I ended up putting shredded chicken into the soup and I just could not get it down, only ate about half the soup.  Dinner, however, much better with the combination of the two soups.

Feelings/Reactions: I was unusually thirsty during the day, much more so than usual. I felt a little loopy eating the soup and think this might have to do with the broth being 'bone' broth rather than 'meat' broth. Meat broth is currently cooking on the stove (frankly it will be nice not to cook it for 9+ hours). None of my typical digestive issues today, which was nice, despite eating some onion which I didn't think I would tolerate well.  I have been fluctuating between thinking I am hungry and then the next second not being hungry. It is strange and I am guessing it will be like that tomorrow.