Sunday, May 27, 2012

GAPS Intro Diet - Day 3

Not much to report today other than the fact that I felt tired and sluggish today.
Here is what I ate today:

Cauliflower soup with ground hamburger and onions
(cauliflower, onions, stock, hamburger, onion, chicken stock, salt and pepper, organic dried dill)

Lemon Ginger Tulsi Tea

Cauliflower soup with boiled sandwich steak
(with fresh garlic, organic dried dill)

Organic Mint Melange Tea (Trader Joe's brand)

Chicken with Fennel and Onions
(crock pot cooked with broth, garlic, fennel and onions pureed with chicken juices into 'gravy')

Other: Detox bath with baking soda.  Introduced 3 teaspoons of  sauerkraut juice.

Meal Consensus: All of the meal were fine today. I am trying to think of some variety, but am having difficulty figuring out what is allowed on GAPS Stage 1 other than zucchini, yellow squash, onions, broccoli and cauliflower.  Butternut squash and carrots are also allowed, but those are things I am avoiding since they have caused me problems in the past.  I am guessing fennel is not on stage 1, but I cooked it well and it is a vegetable so hopefully that is ok...I did find a list on the GAPS Yahoo! group that lists the foods and what stage you can begin eating them, but found that the different tabs of the spreadsheets contradict themselves on certain vegetables - peppers, peas (probably too starchy for stage one)... so not helpful.

Feelings/Reactions: Pretty thirsty again today and not that hungry, but would get the feeling that I needed to eat - I would feel kind of shaky.  I had acupuncture today, which was suppose to help support the detox. I also felt pretty tired So I guess we will see what Day 4 brings.

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