Friday, May 25, 2012

GAPS Intro Diet - Day 1

Today was the start of what will hopefully be a solution to the last three years of digestive issues.  When I first read about the GAPS diet a few months ago I knew it was something I needed to do. It has taken a lot of preparation and although the anticipation of the commitment and the challenges it will bring has been stressful, I think in the end it will all be worthwhile. Luckily for me I have very supportive friends, co-workers, and family on this journey to better health.

Here is what I ate today -

Zucchini and Yellow Squash Soup
(zucchini, yellow squash, onion, garlic, chicken stock, salt and pepper)

Mint Tea (if you can call this a snack)

Broccoli Soup with Chicken Meatballs
(broccoli, onion, garlic, stock, chicken meatballs made with salt, pepper, onion)

Zucchini and Yellow Squash Soup + Broccoli Soup with Chicken Meatballs
Tulsi Lemon Ginger Tea

Other: Detox bath with Epsom salt - got my shower filter installed thank goodness. It took a strong husband, WD-40, and a trip to the hardware store for a wrench and Lime-Away to get the thing off. I find it ironic that I recently purged my house of all household chemicals and cleaners and had to go out and buy a chemical to get the old shower head off.

Meal Consensus: Breakfast was tasty - the soup is slightly sweet, so is nice for morning. Lunch... not so much, I ended up putting shredded chicken into the soup and I just could not get it down, only ate about half the soup.  Dinner, however, much better with the combination of the two soups.

Feelings/Reactions: I was unusually thirsty during the day, much more so than usual. I felt a little loopy eating the soup and think this might have to do with the broth being 'bone' broth rather than 'meat' broth. Meat broth is currently cooking on the stove (frankly it will be nice not to cook it for 9+ hours). None of my typical digestive issues today, which was nice, despite eating some onion which I didn't think I would tolerate well.  I have been fluctuating between thinking I am hungry and then the next second not being hungry. It is strange and I am guessing it will be like that tomorrow.

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