Tuesday, May 29, 2012

GAPS Intro Diet - Day 5

I was back to work today after the holiday weekend and had committed to playing in a softball game tonight... which I honestly wasn't sure how that was going to go considering my fatigue.  Woke up earlier than usual to heat thermoses and brought breakfast, lunch, and dinner with me since the game didn't start until 7 pm and as I learned, it is not good to be without food on this diet!

 On my walk down the subway steps both of my calves cramped, which wasn't fun, but that turned out to be the most challenging part of the day.  As I mentioned yesterday, at this stage on GAPS I am pretty happy when I am sitting down and nothing is better for that then work where you are planted at a desk for 8+ hours a day. I did take a walk out to Trinity Church to get some fresh air for lunch - don't worry.

Breakfast: Zucchini and Yellow Squash Soup with Chicken
(zucchini, yellow squash, 2 onions, garlic, 1 red pepper (am I cheating here? I don't know), chicken stock, salt/pepper, organic dill, chunks of precooked chicken, chicken 'pate')

Snack: Lemon Ginger Tulsi Tea

Lunch: Zucchini and Yellow Squash Soup with Chicken
(same as breakfast except I added some fennel and onion 'gravy' from the other night to change the flavor - it was tastier than breakfast)

Dinner: Zucchini and Yellow Squash Soup with Chicken
(same as above except no pate because I only had two thermoses so ate this cold and I didn't think I could stomach it mixed into the soup without the soup being warm)

Snack:  5 teaspoons sauerkraut juice, sandwich steak boiled in stock with salt

Other: Detox bath with Epsom Salt

Meal Consensus: Food today was fine - maybe a little monotonous, but again I wasn't really too hungry.

Feelings/Reactions: Again other than having no stamina I didn't seem to have any other reactions today other than being more thirsty than normal. Softball went well too so that was good. Tomorrow I get to add in 1 teaspoon of sauerkraut - how exciting ;)

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