Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Big "Thank You!"

This is a long overdue post to thank my husband for his support and willingness to try the GAPS protocol.

When I heard about a friend's experience with GAPS - specifically healing her children's multiple food sensitivities and allergies, asthma and eczema - I knew we had to research this. I read websites and the books and shared them with C. He read them too. We talked and decided we needed to try this.

Even though he doesn't have any food sensitives that we know of or digestive issues, he has willingly joined us on this journey. He has cooked, cleaned up, listened to the crying, nurtured and supported, run the baths, read to the children while I have my bath, taken his own bath. He had stayed up late chopping, peeling, dehydrating, tending the broth, cleaning. He had not blinked too much at the grocery bills or the "kitchen renovation" I did, when I purchased the food dehydrator, Vitamix and Pickl-it jars. He is carrying his own GAPS Intro food and broth to work and eating it. He (thankfully!) is not complaining about the food and, soup in general and squash in particular are not two of his favorites. He leaves the kitchen close to spotless each night and also puts away dishes in the morning. He is willing to try new foods and help me make them - remember the chicken feet? He even offered me an IPad so I could read or blog in bed. He is supporting our family emotionally, physically and financially with good cheer and a loving attitude.

While he may not get digestive healing from GAPS, he for sure is going to get a super satisfied, deeply grateful wife. By supporting us this way, he is putting so very much into our relationship and for this I shall be forever and completely thankful.

I am posting this on our official record book of this journey because, without his support on all these levels, I couldn't possibly be doing this and keeping my sanity. Sanity is a very, very important thing with you are with young children 24/7. So without him, we couldn't be here at all.

Thank you for all you have done and are doing for our family! I love you. 

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