Sunday, June 3, 2012

GAPS Intro Diet - Day 9 and 10 (Stage 2)

I am happy to report that my physical fatigue seems to have diminished this weekend - which is great news.  Whether it is due to the introduction of the egg yolk or my body has just adjusted, I am not quite sure. I also discovered that the trick with the egg yolk in the soup is that the soup needs to be fairly hot otherwise the coldness of the yolk just makes the soup taste gross.

I also have a confession to make.....I cooked some pig yesterday for dinner.  I haven't eaten pig since Christmas 2008, (yeah, I am weird and remember the last time I eat things).  One weekend when I was buying some of those lovely eggs from my farmer at the market, he asked if I liked pork because their meat was very good. I replied that I didn't eat pigs (not sure I can say this anymore) and he said that if I ever decided to try some theirs was the ones you should eat since they are pastured and encouraged to do 'pig' things, like wallow and root around.  So in anticipation of getting sick of eating chicken and beef on this diet, I decided to buy it.  I have had the small piece of pig in the freezer for a few weeks since frankly, I just felt guilty about purchasing it in the first place.  But yesterday, when I was balking at the idea of another meal of soup, I took it out and plopped it in the slow cooker.  I also stopped by the health food store and got 2 large celery roots.  Celery root is this ugly brown knob that you peel up and boil like potatoes and then you can mash it and have faux-tatoes. I had never eaten celery root before until a few weeks ago when I was testing out this whole 'no grain' diet to see how it was. Celery root was touted online as the solution to a potato-less diet.  When I made it before I loved it and raved to Kathryn about the deliciousness of this ugly root.  So I thought in my head, oh well I'll make this whole comfort food meal - pulled pork, mashed celery root, it will be great.  I must admit the pork was good and very flavorful, but it was strangely unsatisfying and it made me a little loopy/light headed, which was an interesting reaction. It is the same loopy feeling I get when I eat preservatives like sulfur dioxide or lactose. As for the celery root puree, I just couldn't stand the taste. I ate two bites of it and was grossed out. So much for my comfort food dinner...

Nothing that new or eventful today except that I injured myself like three times in a row - GAPS Tip: never overfill your mason jars full of soup that are going in the freezer.  That note on the Internet you read about mason jars cracking as the food freezes is not a lie. So what do I do after seeing said cracked mason jar filled with my would-be lunch, but bitterly reach my hand to grab it out and slice my thumb open on a hunk of glass. That felt good.  Then I proceeded to slice the sides of two fingers when my sharp, but not sharp enough, knife slipped as I was cutting an onion. Oh and I cut myself last night by accident too - but that wasn't the knife's fault, hard to be the knifes fault when you bring down the blade on your own finger. Ahh the perils of GAPS. So I decided to eat some raw, fermented carrots I bought as a comfort to my injuries.  So far, so good, granted fermentation is suppose to take out the sugars from the food so it isn't exactly a test of whether I can eat carrots with no reaction, but still.

Only other thing to report is that I randomly started crying this afternoon on the couch. No reason, just had a need to cry. Alex was a little concerned because I don't typically cry for no reason.  Perhaps it is some detox sign?? I hope so.

Food today -

Breakfast - Broccoli and Cauliflower Soup with sauerkraut juice on the side
(with hamburger, onions, egg yolk, garlic)

Snack - Pork
(didn't make me loopy this time)

Lunch - Zucchini Soup, leftover pork
(soup with egg yolk and hamburger)

Snack - Sauerkraut

Dinner - Zucchini soup, chicken on the side, sauerkraut juice

Meal thoughts - Zucchini soup was super good - zucchini is from the farmers market, so very fresh and so is my chicken.  I need to make more broth so I bought a whole one at the market today.

Other - detox bath - baking soda.  Debating on adding in low dose of probiotics to see if I get any reactions.

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