Thursday, June 7, 2012

GAPS Intro Diet - Day 13 and 14 (Stage 2)

I honestly can't believe I have been on this diet for 2 weeks - it was a quick two weeks, made even better because I didn't have crazy die off symptoms. I must admit that was nice, but it almost concerns me that I haven't had more of a response - i.e. do I still have bad bacteria living in me that aren't dying? Did I not have any in the first place (a test I had done  in early January didn't show signs of candida or bacteria overgrowth).  Since I haven't really had many symptoms I decided to move forward in the diet so I introduced fermented cod liver oil yesterday.  FCLO is suppose to be very beneficial for people who have gut problems as our guts are supposedly not able to absorb Vitamin A in pill form. I was on very high levels of Vitamin A and Zinc, per my naturapath earlier this year, and never saw any improvement in my digestion.  I don't think I was absorbing it.

So after doing a bit of research and watching a video on how to take liquid FCLO without gagging I opted for the cop out route of purchasing it in relatively taste-less pill form.  The problem is I discovered that in order to take the recommended dose of 1 teaspoon per day I need to take 8 pills.  That means my 2 (120 ct) bottles will last 30 days and will result in a $70 per month investment....Hmmm guess I am going to have to buy the liquid next time and watch that video again. I took three pills last night and other than having a bit of a stomach ache/headache, I was fine. Placebo effect, perhaps? I am increasing it to 4 pills tonight.

Today, I also introduced egg whites by whipping up a GAPS intro 'pancake' for dinner.  This consists of 2 eggs, 1 squash shredded, salt and pepper, all pureed in a blender. I didn't cook it as pancakes because they are super thin and hard to flip, but instead just dumped it in the pan with some coconut oil, cooked the bottom and put it under the broiler to finish the top.  It was very good, crepe-esque, and nice to eat solid food that is not meat.

It is a lame reason, but I also need to progress with the diet a bit because I will be traveling for work next week and would like to be able to eat some more things to make it easier. Having to go to restaurants for business lunches and traveling for work while gluten free/dairy free makes me super stressed out so the idea of traveling on the GAPS diet has resulted in 'wake up at 5:00 in the morning thinking about it' stress. I do not need to stress.

I soaked raw, organic almonds, walnuts, and sunflower seeds in salt water last night and they are currently dehydrating at the moment - It took all of my strength not to eat one as I was putting them on the trays. Maybe I will eat one tomorrow?

Meals for today and yesterday were all the same (except for the squash pancake) - Zucchini and broccoli soup with 'onion gravy', fresh basil, and either chicken or hamburger.

Oh - also tried one of my lacto-fermented pickles tonight. I don't know what it is suppose to taste like exactly, but it tastes like a pickle! They have been in there since May 19th, so they should be ready to eat.

P.S.  Our mouse-guest turned up his nose at the colby jack I left for him in the live trap.  We are trying feta tonight - hopefully he will like that better :)

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