Wednesday, June 6, 2012

GAPS Intro Diet - Day 1 & 2

So to sum up for Stage One, Day One

The only thing the children were happy with on Day 1 was the tiny shot glass of kraut juice. They managed to eat a little chicken, squash and some broth. Maybe one meatball. I think the frozen soups altered in texture and my family prefers freshly cooked food. The smells of the stock were also not appreciated. We all got our Epsom Salt and Baking Soda bath (did a mix) and L was asleep in my lap before we left the bathroom. When I got out of my bath, the skin on my back peeled. I have read that magnesium can do that, but it was still strange. N and I went to sleep around 8:30 and she woke up dry heaving at 3:30 a.m. Intermittent dry heaving/sleeping for 90 minutes. I think she had about a tablespoon of coconut oil over the course of the day and some more before bed on some squash and that is what caused it. Coconut oil is powerful.

Day Two

I mixed the cauliflower soup and squash soup and enjoyed that for breakfast. The girls didn't really eat - they had ginger tea and L ate some boiled chicken. The girls ate a decent lunch of boiled carrots and broccoli topped with chicken "butter" - yea! L drank her broth, N passed.

N wants to know when dates are back on the diet, or lentils, or blueberries, or larabars, or Sunbutter, or fruit, or lentils, or coconut, or dates (did I mention that?). She's been asking the same questions all day! She finally picked up the ebook "30 Days on Intro" to look for where the lentil recipes are and couldn't find any. Disappointing! Tonight I talked her through the Stages and the foods on them again and hopefully that helped. She is planning the celebration cake we will have - complete with dried fruit bits stuck into the yogurt icing.

L went in the pantry  today (as I was up to my wrists in raw chicken) and found the coconut flakes and was preparing to eat them. I told her they were old and Papa was going to take them to work. She threw the bag on the floor in disgust!

Tonight for dinner I made the Italian Casserole from the GAPS book - whole chicken simmered in a low oven for three hours with carrots and onions. I'm going to serve the meat and veg on a plate and broth in a cup.

C took his three thermoses to work and did well today. But he forgot his salt so we'll have to help him remember tomorrow. He also took kraut juice and weak coffee. Apparently his office mates were wowed with the smells that came from his three thermoses - and perhaps not in a great way.

Seriously the past three batches of soups have been my worst cooking in about 11 years. The last bad meal (in that no one wanted to eat it) I made was when too many jalapenos made their way into some creamy corn chowder and we had to toss the whole batch.

We are all doing well - not noticing anything out of the ordinary today. I hope we can move along in the stages and also find some good and tasty recipes. BUT we've got to get the broth into N. It seems that coconut icecream - made with coconut milk and frozen fruit in the Vitamix - might be the motivating factor for N. She wants her grandparents to try that when they visit in July - and she wants in on the action!

To help our children understand this portion of the diet better - we call GAPS Intro "Deep Healing" and Full GAPS "Healing" - we've been explaining that drinking the broth is like putting a band-aid on the inside of there tummies so hopefully they can try new foods like eggs and ghee. I keep (gently) reminding them of this as we eat and it is helping.

Apple Cider Vinegar bath for us all tonight.

One day at a time on this journey and hoping tonight is quieter than last!

1 comment:

  1. Hi K - Glad to hear the girls ate more today than yesterday. I have a hard time drinking the broth myself, which is why I prefer to incorporate it into the soup - it is not my idea of a refreshing beverage! Are you using the magnesium oil spray or did you make your own out of the flakes? I think I need to get some of that.
