Saturday, June 9, 2012

GAPS Intro Diet - Day 15 and 16 (Stage 3)

Well yesterday I introduced nuts into the diet. I will be the first one to admit I have a nut weakness (read: a penchant to overindulge) and they were just so tasty and crunchy after dehydrating that I totally overate. My body responded with some nausea and a slight headache... my own fault I guess.  Walnuts tasted much different than normal - almost sweet with a maple like flavor.  The almonds I will probably make into flour and the sunflower seeds I ground into sunflower seed butter. I should have probably just left that as flour too... it is pretty hard to eat spoonfuls of flour :) Maybe next time.

I also started taking a probiotic - the probiotic that is recommended by the doctor who developed the diet is called Bio-Kult. It also happens to be the probiotic she created if that tells you anything. I bought some just because that is what is recommended, but I didn't realize that the 'theraputic' dose I am suppose to build up to is 10 pills per day, or roughly 20 billion bacteria. So probably won't buy them again (another $70+ investment per month) unless they prove to be miraculous. I mainly wanted to see if they would trigger any response in me so I took one yesterday as a start - which seemed fine and will take 2 today and see how that goes.  After I took one this morning I started having a raging headache and some sinus pain about an hour later. Now the headache has kind of gone 7 hours later, but I am still extremely fatigued, and my arms (specifically acupuncture point Large Intestine 10, the one that always hurts) is aching. Where is an acupuncturist when you need one?  Not sure if there is a relation to all this an the probiotic or not so I am going to eliminate the nuts to be sure. It is probably partially the nuts because I ate those today too.

I did a bunch of cooking yesterday to restock the freezer (4 hours of cooking to be precise!) - I made more broth, zucchini soup, cauliflower/red pepper soup (tastes much better than straight up cauliflower), prepped leeks and fennel for crock pot chicken tomorrow, and made mini-'meatloaves', some I cooked and some I froze in muffin tins for later.  For being so simple they were actually really good. 

Mini-Meat Loaves (or could just be meatballs)
- 2 lbs hamburger
- Shredded vegetables (job for the food processor) - I used cauliflower, zucchini, red/yellow/orange  
  pepper, onion
- Garlic
- dried oregano, dried dill, salt, pepper
- 2 eggs

Mix it up and divide into muffin tins. Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes.

One of the other things I realize I probably need to be doing more of is drinking broth. Despite eatting soup for pretty much every meal, I don't know that I am getting that much broth into my body, especially since somthing like zucchini releases so much water it becomes very thin when purreed if there is too much broth. That leads me to my next problem - getting enough bones to make the broth.  Living in NYC you would think it would be fairly easy to find good chicken, but it is actually not.  I can buy Trader Joe's organic chicken, but I would prefer a free range chicken.  I can find Murray's chicken, but it is still the same situation as the TJ - not free range.  There is the farmer's market chicken - the expensive $42 bird or the 'natural' bird at about $24, but they really dont give me enough bones to make even 1 quart of stock. So I am entertaining the idea of ordering from US Wellness Meats but what I really need is a local source.

I found some lacto-fermented raw pickles yesterday at the healthfood store and bought them so I could see if mine kind of taste the same - they do! Thank goodness.  I started fermenting when it was really hot in the apartment so I thought I might have ruined them.

I am going to do more research on the whole fermentation thing - I would like to make kefir water and eventually dairy kefir or yogurt in the dehydrator. More posts on that in the future.

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