Thursday, June 21, 2012

Egg Yolks!

Welcome to a beautiful golden summer! We celebrated solstice yesterday with a lovely suncake made with ground sunflower seeds (soaked and dehydrated), butternut squash and egg yolks. N and L scraped their plates!

Which brings me to right now I should be playing, cleaning, fermenting or rendering (but at least some soup is made, so is dinner and the pumpkin and sunflower seeds are soaking!), but I'm going to post a brief note about our consumption of egg yolks this week. We, a family of four, are on track to easily consume 5 dozen eggs (mostly in the yolk format), this week. The girls and I are eating 2-3 yolks each per day. We are making up for lost time with eggs! 

I came across this great analysis of egg yolks versus the whites - look at how much better the yolks are for you! At this point I don't even worry if we can someday eat the whites. So happy to have all the golden goodness - yum!

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